Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goals for This Next Year

A friend asked me what my goals for the year are, I responded, “Goals? Yeah, those are good things.”

I admit I'm often rather abstract about my goals and about how I do things. “DO THAT!” But no actual written down “goals.” So, what are my goals? What do I really want? Where do I want to be in a year?

Well, this time next year I'll be starting my Junior Year of College. Scary thought. What do I want to do?

  1. Good Grades. I had okay grades this year, not great. This year it'll be the year where I can see whether or not I can really get “good” grades. Honestly, I don't care about my grades, I just care about learning. I did a lot of that last year, but I also wasted a lot of time. See: College Algebra (didn't learn anything and got a bad grade) and Issues of Social Justice (95% sure that my Professor didn't read my final paper, you know, the most important document created that entire class. I was so angry about that class. Such a waste of time. I don't care about the money, I care about the fact that we spent hours basically just saying what we felt and not really backing it up with anything, stupid). Maybe if I have better classes I can get better grades. I dunno. We'll see. This is an important goal, yet I don't feel so drawn to it. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

  2. Go to Church more. I didn't go to Church much last semester. I'm going to try to go to Mass a little more. I feel... drawn to that Church. I realized today that I enjoy going with my grandparents to the “traditional” service at their church more than the “contemporary” one because I don't have to deal with “bad” music as much. The music at more traditional services is so different than what I'm used to that I don't have to worry about that. The music at the contemporary service today was terrible. The drummer was just bad, they had silly songs, and they messed up Breathe. I had to fight with that in additional to standard spiritual warfare (ugh... spiritual warfare is so annoying and stupid. More time wasting. Thank you Satan?). I might have to actually go to a Protestant service at some point, but... I don't want to do that. And I feel drawn to that Church on Campus somehow. Don't ask why.

  3. Get better at Video Games. This is actually important for me. Don't ask why. I take my hobbies very seriously. I want to get Gold/Platinum rating in Starcraft II (Gold is easy, Platinum will take effort) and I want to win some major events in LoL. That means lots of practice. This is third cuz yeah, video games shouldn't be that important. On this note I need to be able to go full troll one day and only respond with Internet comments. “Real dumb.” “Real terror.” “dat x.” “ok.” “full retard.” Etc. It'll be fun. ^_^

  4. Read my Bible More. I know this is important. But I feel that between Religious Studies Classes and attempting to go to Church more, this is actually less important than it seems. I've always operated better, spiritually, while in groups, so I'd like to continue to do that more. But Church is so... bleh. I hate Church. >_> I just need to find a prayer group or something. Why don't people pray more? Its so much easier than listening to sermons, so much more productive.

  5. On that note: Pray more. I pray some, I pray a lot maybe. I don't pray enough. I need to pray without ceasing, I don't do that. I need to be constantly talking to God on a daily basis, and I'm sure there are days when I don't talk to God. That's... bad. That's not something I should be doing. I should be constantly asking for spiritual guidance in every waking moment. There are plenty of times when I shut down my spiritual center and just go and “have fun.” This is real dumb.

  6. Grow more awesome facial hair/longer hair. I look pretty awesome right now, but I could look awesomer. Hippy/Metal/Fantasy Warrior look is nearly complete. Once thats done only thing left to do is get some awesome Facepaint, braid my hair and go to a Folk Metal concert. /m\

Those actually are rather reasonable goals. Hmm... this is good, I guess. This is a really rough post, but I'm tired and have stuff to do before I sleep. So, good night I guess.