Saturday, May 14, 2011

End of the Year Summary

A flood of memories. How has this only been one year? Yikes!

Yes. I finished my first year of college. I'm on track to graduate in four years. I still don't have a driver's license, I still don't have any real work experience to my name, and I still don't have even very definite plans for my summer vacation happening right now, but I know that I'm done with college for at least three months.

In all honesty, right now, I wish I didn't have to deal with summer. Last summer was glorious because I was kept busy. I had my family with me and we did a lot of stuff. Summers before that, especially the ones in Bangladesh were amazing because it meant that I was home with friends, especially friends that went to Boarding school or Universities overseas. I probably won't see a single one of my college friends till August. Which... meh, its not too fun.

The year in hindsight though. I have to say, Spring Semester was harder than Fall. People tell me this is always the case, which I find funny. Having said that, I did fine. Grades are still coming in, but I'm confident to say that I have just over a 3.5 this semester (an increase of about .1 in my overall GPA. So I'm happy?). The honors program requires that I keep a 3.5 GPA, and I'm confident I can keep that, at least at this point. Its not easy, but its possible. I just need to find out what is expected of me quicker and quicker. So I guess that's academics.

Socially: I did great. I think, in the end, the Honors Living Learning Community was kinda a bust. Ultimately I'm not even sure if I technically “completed” the program as I didn't attend the final LLC dinner or complete any sort of community service that semester. I could care less. I joined the LLC in an attempt to make sure I got to know some of the smarter people on campus (yes, I had a fear that I would be surrounded by idiots who didn't know how to work. This was of course proven completely wrong, as even my non-honors friends are at least competent) and well... I dunno, I was like “why not?” It wasn't a bad idea, but it might have been unnecessary. The best thing thatcame out of it was a few decent friends and the fact that I got garunteed a room from day one in what is probably the best Dorm on Campus (Hunt is expensive and not fun socially. Nothing ever happens at BMH, Teresa and East are old and smell funny). Sure, I'm biased, but meh... a lot of awesome stuff happened at Dujarie these two years, I gotta say.

My biggest social issue was my roommate. I've held back ranting about him because I wanted to respect him because... he's my roommate. But the bottom line was, by the end of the semester, it just go to the point where it was not worth talking to him. He started talking, I felt the need to tell him to Shut Up and go away. Like, okay, there were some points where saying hi, talking a little about your day, that was okay. But when I was packing to leave, for instance, I didn't want to talk to him and he had pull me over to watch silly videos of guys shooting paint-ball guns. Like I care?

It wasn't just that, it was also his constant “trolling” as he called it. He once explained it to another guy, saying he likes to pull pranks on people and stuff, and he thinks its especially funny if they don't realize he's just messing with him. That's just being a jerk, my friend said, and I agree. The first time someone tells you that listening to Metal means that you listened to * insert generic deathcore here * that sings about killing babies and blowing up innocent civilians in times of war its annoying, but meh, he's messing with me. The second time is just annoying. The third time its down-right rude. I pretty much hated about 95% of the music Mohammad played. ESPECIALLY that stupid Black and Yellow song he seemed to really like. I told him, but I wasn't rude about it. Mohammad never once directly told me he didn't like my music, he just made fun of it or lied about it, calling it stuff that it wasn't. For the record I don't listen to Deathcore and I don't, knowingly, listen to music about baby-murderers.

The other thing that bothered me about him was just... how much he lied in general. It took me about the entire first semester to realize this. At first I thought he was just being lazy and had figured out how to get eighteen hours into his schedule and that involved what, for lack of a better word (and pardon my language) “bullshitting” on his papers and perhaps in class discussion. However, it eventually became apparent to me and, I think to others, that this was his entire attitude. He'd pretend to think whatever you're saying is interesting or really important, then he'd turn around and say its stupid or silly or something. He told our professor that his week Volunteering in NYC with some other St. Eds kids was “life changing” which I know for a fact was not the words he would have ever described it to me. I forget what he said to me though.

I could go on, but I think I'll end it there. I think the bottom line was that I didn't have a good roommate. Now, I'll be honest, it could have been worse. I didn't have a guy who demanded I leave every 2nd or 3rd Weekend so he could sleep with his girlfriend (the main issue here being I suddenly have to find somewhere else to sleep). I didn't have a roommate who kept hard drugs in his room. (I don't agree with hard drugs like Coke or Heroin, that's why. Keep all the alcohol you want in my room, whatever. Just keep it out of site and/or in a locked box) Those two would have been worse, I feel like.

Academically: Ah yes, it was mostly good. I had a few messups and a few “oh.... they actually care about this,” moments. Fall Semester my Algebra Class was stupid and had several issues. Additionally I didn't put the time into it necessary to get an A. I messed up my Midterm in Political Controversies and got a B in the class instead of an A. This semester I had a hard time in Text and Discourse Analysis, but that's okay because I'm going to get a B I think, barely a B, but a B. I wanted a 4.0 this semester, but it didn't happen, (that class being a major reason why, honestly). For the most part I did good.

Last semester I think there were clear accomplishments. I survived the first semester of College. I came in and I didn't fail anything, I succeeded and did just about as good as expected. I saw a marked improvement in my writing, in the sense that I was able to transition into the University style of writing easily. This semester, I don't think I learned much more than a little bit more in terms of writing and staying focused and doing more grammar stuff. I know grammar, I just need to remember to use it. I was challenged to improve my writing, and I saw an improvement, but that was really just 1 class. My other four classes? Not much actually learned in terms of information. I got a big picture of the Religious Studies Program, which is my current major, and I think that will help me. Not much else though, really.

Hmm... what else? I dunno. I played a lot of League of Legends, I formed an actual team and I've started working in a team with 2 other people (we need 2 more regulars, but we're working on it). Right now I'm happy to say that I think I have 2 good friends (as much as you can be friends on the internet) and I'm enjoying myself. Now I just need to regularly play at 1400 elo instead of 1300 and I'll be somewhat more satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. so, basically to sum up the roommate situation... you hate muslims
