Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Favorite songs of 2010

So a friend did this recently and I thought I'd follow suit. These are what I'd say are some of the "best" songs I listened to a lot this year. Mostly its metal stuff, I mean, I do mostly listen to metal mostly, but there are a few other songs on this list. Its all on youtube (love youtube) so feel free to check out the songs if you like them.

Uis Elveti --> Eluveitie

This song is just... awesome. It really has everything that good music should have: it has some darn fine melodies that synergize very well with one of the strongest beats I've heard in a while. It has some awesome instrumentation during the solo (this is also a great part to get that mosh pit started. :D) as well as some very raw, very strong Death Metal Vocals. Now, obvioulsy, the vocals are a turn off for a lot of people, but I hold that Chrigel Glanzmann is one of the better harsh vocalists out there. Its an aquired taste, yes, but he does a good job.

Nightfall (Live) --> Blind Guardian

These guys are amazing, and this song is one of those great “softer” metal songs that just leave you begging for more. I love Blind Guardian. :D Also, its about Lord of the Rings. LORD OF THE RINGS! Well, technically, the Silmarillion , but still, its pretty amazing.

Hey Driftwood (Tides) --> Children 18:3

What happens when you combine Homeschool+Christian+Rock Music? You get Children 18:3, a Punk/Alt Rock band of 3 homeschooled siblings. This is the band I wish my family could create, sadly, only my brother has the musical talent to ever dream of seriously preforming in a band. Anyways, its really hard to pick one of their songs, but I like this one a lot. Its one of those alt-rock songs that I think works really well. Honestly, all of their songs are amazing, listen to this band.

The World is a Thorn --> Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter is one of the few Christian acts I can really call quality musicians. Most Christian Music is CCM Crap, carbon-copied pop and consumer friendly music with semi-spiritual or spiritual lyrics that repeat the same 3 ideas about God over and over again. At least, in my experience. Demon Hunter takes all of that, laughs, and then hammers you with their tremendous blend of Hardcore and Groove Metal while assaulting you with real Christian Theology. The World is a Thorn, the title track of their latest effort does all, again, and again. When I heard this song for the first time I realized how much this band has evolved systically, from mostly Hardcore to mostly Metal, but is still a band that has never, once, ever, compromised spiritually. Their lyrics are still as amazingly relevant to my life in this 2010 release as they were in their debut 2000 release. How many bands can say that? I don't think a lot can. That's talent. That's anointing. Listen to this song.

The Wanderer --> Elvenking

Erm... I can't remember if I listened to this song a lot during my last semester of High School or the semester before that, but I'm gonna put it up there anyways. This band... is actually pretty horrible. This song... is actually not that good. But you know what? When I heard this song I was like “YES! THIS IS ME!” I listened to it a lot. Was it really important, in the long run? No, but this was one of those songs that I listened to because I was like... “yeah... I wish I could be like this song right now.” Which is funny, cuz I've listened to a lot of music, and none of that has happened before or after. Oh well.


  1. Oh Issac, I love how we are best friends. I think you need a twitter so I will know when you post on your blog. :)

  2. Why twitter? I can just post the links to important posts on FB, like I often do.
