Sunday, July 3, 2011

Team Comps in League of Legends

This post is really for my benefit more than anything else. I need a place to write this down. If its outta your league, then so be it. I like League of Legends.

In league of legends, LoL, there are 4 “lanes.” Top Solo, Mid Solo, Bot Duo and Jungle. Every team needs a AP Carry, a Support, an AD Carry and then initiation of some sort: Ashe Arrow, Sona Ult, Annie Stunbear, Amumu Ult, etc.

Current heroes that appear viable:

Jungle: Gangplank, Amumu, Warwick, Nunu, Nocturne, Trundle and Jarvan. Of these heroes, Warwick, Amumu and Nunu are the best. Warwick works in every team comp, Nunu has the strongest early game, and Amumu is the best “tank” in the current meta. Gangplank is a new addition and is really OP, but I'm not sure how he fits into the meta. Probably as another kind of Jarvan/Irelia tankyDPS type. Jarvan Jungles when you want a top solo that is not Jarvan, but want Jarvan. See: EU Double AP style meta.

Top Solo: Top Solo is weird. Basically, anything that can afk farm effectively is a good top solo. Heroes like Singed, Teemo, Irelia, Warwick, Corki, Tristana, Jarvan, heck, even Garen are viable top solos. Basically this lane is the lane that tries to make anyone work. Best top solos are either beefy enough to avoid getting Burst in a gank or have natural escapes like Tristana and Corki. There is never a reason to send Ashe top because she has very bad escapes and will just be ganked really hard.

Mid Solo: Mid Solo, in the current meta, is often a mage. Swain, Vlad, Annie and Brand appear to be popular mages in the current meta. I favor Oriana for her insane AoE follow up to melee initiation such as Irelia, Jarvan, Amumu and Jax, other heroes are viable. Ashe is a viable mid.

Bot Duo: Bot Duo is mega weird because its is the most flexible lane. Bot has 2 heroes instead of 1 and thus has lots of options. The standard setup right now is support+carry bot lane. However, my team has protested at this for several reasons, our backup support player doesn't like Passive Lanes (yet she plays support. Then again, she really likes Janna, the most aggressive of all supports) and our Carry Player likes soloing Irelia and Corki. As a result, I've been considering other laning options such as Blitz+Alistair or Jarvan+Support (Jarvan+Sona seems really strong). Garen+Taric/Sona seems good as well. As far as support+Carry goes, Soraka+Caitlyn or Sona+Caitlyn works well, Sona+Tristana is very strong. Taric+Ashe or Sona+Ashe should work okay. I dunno where Corki fits into the bot lane meta, but he does somewhere. Vayne is amazing, but my team has very little experience with Vayne. I would assume Sona and Taric work great with her. I wouldn't use Soraka expect with Caitlyn, but I'm not a fan of soraka outside of Lane. Oh, and Support Alistair is amazing when laning with whoever. I need to learn alistair.

So as a result we have a lot of options for picks. Standard Draft mode only allows for bans and thus standard banning for my team usually goes like this:

Fight over gangplank cuz he's OP right now, then ban Twisted Fate because he's OP. Other ban is either Rumble, who is stupid OP right now or Vayne who none of us play and is very strong.

If we get 3 bans things are better. This usually means we're in a tournament game and we can look at a few things. Priotity bans tend to be TF and Gangplank. But banning Nunu and picking Amumu first seems pretty good as well. Another strong ban is Annie because she's really OP right now. In fact, if I was in charge of bans against a standard American Comp I'd probably ban Nunu, TF, and Annie every game, first picking Amumu. If we ban Vayne instead of Annie Annie becomes priority pick. Annie is too strong.

I really favor Jarvan for Top Solo. But I need to see how he works in a duo lane. I also want to experiment with serious Morde and Garen comps. Morde requires a double mage comp and probably Ashe to be 100% effective. Maybe just pick Alistair for support and you can get away with Corki+Alistair bot lane. Garen works if he can farm, I think Garen is very underestimated, because a garen with Ghostblade+Hexdrinker does a lot of damage.

Mid, for our team should be Brand, Orianna, Malzahar or Annie. Period. There is no reason for us to pick any other hero.

Top is a weird lane. Right now I think we should be running Corki top lane a lot. But it doesn't really matter too me. I want to see if Morde and Midwick really work. I don't see a comp where Warwick does not work well because his kit is so brilliant. I think I should convince Yocham or Arb to start playing Midwick more.

Jungle is simple: Pick one of the top three. If the enemy picks Nunu pick Warwick, if the enemy picks Amumu pick Nunu, if the enemy has banned nunu and picked amumu, consider picking Trundle or Nocturne. Nocturne works very well as a tanky DPS, fitting in nicely with the Double Mage+Support/Carry bot lane meta, though is more DPS than Tank in comparision to Warwick. Trundle has problems, but operates as an effective anti-carry, especially against tank heavy teams, like those that run Alistair+Jarvan. Jungle Jarvan: I don't really see the point right now, not with the way our team works.

Bot Lane: I have no clue. I need to see what our team comes up with.

Yeah, this is really random. But it helped my thoughts. Maybe you found it useful, maybe you didn't.

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