Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Blog, New Post

So yea, this is still Isaac talking. Old blog was masterofweirdness.blogspot.com. I have about 4 years of basically regular posts there.

What is this blog? This is, and will be a random assortment of my life. That is to say, rants about school, politics, religion, video games and the like. Mostly rants, because I rant. And yes, politics and religion will feature here, if you don't like those don't read this blog. I try to keep my thoughts as uncensored as I can, random thoughts pop into my mind and end up here, and often times, that gonna be political or religious stuff. You have been warned.

Who am I? I'm Isaac. No you don't get my last name, besides you probably already know it. :D I'm a Freshman in University, I'm a English Writing and Rhetoric Major. I'm in the Honor's Program. I'm nearly 19. I enjoy video games, metal music, discussing stuff that requires thinking (I had an hour+ long conversation about AI this weekend. Greatest moment of the Semester so far, besides WCG and American Beauty... haha). I'm American by citizenship, TCK by Culture. I was born in India and raised in Bangladesh. I love India, and I love Dhaka, my hometown, even if it is a horrible city. I'm enjoying college: its surprisingly similar to school before, I don't care what people say. I was homeschooled, so that might effect stuff, but yea... not to big of a difference.

So yea... I'll try and get a real post up soon.


  1. Glad you are blogging again. I enjoy reading it all. Keep it up!

  2. Oh I never stopped blogging, I just slowed down... and then some of my friends started blogs so I thought I'd start up again. Apparently I could have transferred all the posts to a new url... but its too late now. :p
