Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 Thoughts I wanted to Share

A few random thoughts for you guys

First of all, I felt something really interesting when reading about the protests in Bahrain. These protests that are going on in North Africa/the Middle East, they are not a random occurrence, they are not a strange twist of luck. There is a reason that people are rising up now. Obviously, I can't confirm anything, but many of these nations are Islamic and have a fundamentally flawed set of laws (Islam) at their root. These governments are oppressive by nature, many are monarchies or dictatorships that appeal to a oppressive system of governance (Islam), and people are just sick of that. I can't do anything but look at pictures and videos and read articles in the news, but I want to say that I think God is moving in the Middle East in a way that maybe no one has expected before.

Second of all, Homosexuality. The homosexual lifestyle is wrong, regardless of what DNA/Science says about it being “determined at birth” or whatever. Alcoholism is hereditary (somewhat), its also a sin/bad, yes? I love homosexuals, God does too. Jesus forgave the prostitute the pharisees wanted to stone. Jesus loved the woman at the well who was sleeping around a LOT even by today's lax standards (well... its more accurate to say that everyone today would know she was easy, whether or not people would like her or hate her for it is of course another matter). Jesuse didn't agree with their lifestyles, he told the Prostitute to “Sin no more” but he didn't kill her, he didn't condemn her. Homosexuals are hurting people, and to think for a moment that any of them have more problems that me or anyone I know is the greatest lie I've heard in a while. I'm no worse, I'd dare to say, but I'm no better either. Mainstream media and Mainstream thought seems to find my position untenable. How can you love a homosexual yet still condemn their lifestyle? I'm not sure why the idea is so radical. Drug addicts are loved, but people hate their lifestyle, for instance (no I'm not saying Homosexuality is akin to an addiction, I don't what exactly goes into making a person a homosexual. I don't care). Finally, there is simply no good secular answer to Homosexuality. Only a society with a firm foundation in Biblical values (and given the way in which homosexuality has been dealt with in various societies, it seems that none exist, to my knowledge, at least) will succeed in reconciling the “issue” of homosexuality.

Finally, the Trinity. I came across a really amazing thought on Monday. The trinity is this weird thing because it really doesn’t make a lot of sense if we think of it from a human perspective. Why not 1 god? Why not 3? Why the whole messy 3-in-1 stuff? One of the students in my class really didn’t' like the Trinity, and I felt for a time that it was also kind silly, but then I realized something (or God spoke to me, whatever you want to say, it was probably a combination of both). There are 3 divine beings that exist, but they are incomplete when separate. They are linked in a way that is beyond human understanding, they operate as one, but they are distinct. They cannot be separated, and if they were, they would be come less divine, somehow. I don't claim to understand much, but I know there is a Trinity, and I'm glad I can say that with some authority.

Thank you for your time. Now I need to go get Pizza before the Cafeteria shuts down. I also have 3 papers to write before I got to bed and Midterms begin so soon. I think College has this strange perverse pleasure in destroying your social life 3 weeks into school, it pretends you're allowed to have one, then takes it all away.

Oh, and because its fun to do I'm going to try and start doing what one of my friends do, Song of the Day (SOTD). Basically, I'll post a random song I listened to today that I really like. So here is the first one:

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